March 25th 2:30pm @ LaPiazza
Those present:
Pastor Rich Moore
Amy Gursky
Tim Ergler
Dana Kegerreis
Chuck Kegerreis
Sue Fessenbecker
Items Discussed:
Pastors Meeting w/ Youth - Pastor met with most of the Youth Sunday Morning and items discussed for fundraising were:
- Spaghetti Dinner to Kick off Selling of Stock Certificates
- Spring Fling (name might be changed)
- Car Wash
- Movie Night
Spaghetti Dinner
Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Sunday April 15th at 5:30pm. The format of this dinner will be somewhat different than those in the past as we are asking everyone to be there at 5:30 so that we can, in theory, all sit down around the same to eat so that that a program by Pastor Moore can begin after dinner introducing the idea of Stock Certificates to help fund the South Dakota in July.
Each Youth going on the trip will be asked to serve and sit with the table they are assigned and promote the trip. The idea is that they will talk w/ those dining at their table about the up coming trip. Center Pieces will be some sort of conversation piece, (2 per table) to help initiate conversation.
Pastor Moore will then present the idea of the stock certificates to those present and then Blue grass entertainment and dessert to follow.
We will ask the congregation to make some special desserts for us.
Sharon Andrienne and Ed & Kay Turner have volunteered to help serve that night. Any youth going to the 10:30 service that day will be asked to stay and help arrange the tables for the evening dinner. Youth will be asked to then return to the church no later than 4:45pm.
Youth are asked to please wear Khaki/or dress pants (no jeans if possible), and a polo shirt or something similar.
Actions required:
- Dana and Chuck will be purchasing items needed for the dinner.
- Centerpieces (conversation pieces- Lakotatrip ) need to be made, any ideas or if you would like to help with this, please email Dana.
- Desserts will be requested at the next few services.
Stock Certificates
After the Spaghetti dinner Stock Certificates will be on sale after all services. Cost will be $50/share. Each Share purchased entitles the owner of the certificate to:
- Immediate call from the youth assigned their stock certificate (day of purchase) to thank them for purchasing the certificate
- Upon arrival in South Dakota- post cards/letters are to be sent to their
Stock holders.
- Mid trip, a second round of postcards/letters is to be sent.
- A Thank You/Stock holders dinner /picnic (one person per certificate) to be held upon return of the group on Saturday July 21, 2007. Youth can share, pictures/stories/ souvenirs etc. with their stock holders. All youth that went on trip are to be present for this dinner.
A schedule will be made up and Youth will be asked to sell the certificates after all services. If someone cannot make their scheduled time for selling they need to find someone else to fill in their slot.
Spring Fling
Tentatively set the date for the Spring Fling to be May 19th. Items discussed were Chicken BBQ and or Pig Roast, Yard Sale, bake sale and Car Wash.
Action Required:
- Amy to investigate the pro’s and cons of Chicken BBQ/ verses a pig roast.
- Dana to organize the Yard Sale
- Sue to organize Bake Table
Car Wash
Kids want to do a car wash perhaps while the congregation is having service.
No date set.
- Pastor Moore to see if a Car Wash is possible at the church
Movie Night
This idea was also presented; we think there might be copy right issues.
Deb Key will be contacted to see if she knows anything about Movie nights since she has been involved with the parents group at Twin Valley.
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