Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sermon from September 16th, 2012

Read James 3:1-12

Words are the most powerful things in our possession.  More powerful than bombs, armies, or nations.  They can destroy a person we dislike, or build up the person we do.  They can unleash the dogs of war, or offer an olive branch of peace.  Oh, and that person who said, "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me".. umm, that person lied.  Words can do a whole lot more damage to a person than sticks and stones.  

The writer of James said it best when he told his readers, "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing.  My brothers and sisters, this ought not be so."  Our words have power.

I've put together a list of what I would consider my Top 10, favorites among words that have great power.  Before I read off what I came up with, let me ask you...what would you say are your favorite powerful words?

Love--Great word, indeed.  But, let's remember that without this word having someone else to give it meaning it really just sits there all alone.  Love is a word with great expectations, but destructive consequences if not used responsibly.

Yes--Affirming, Positive, Agreeable.  But, this word can also get us into a lot of trouble if we don't know how to use the next word.

No--This word allows us to set boundaries and limits, helps us get work done which wouldn't happen if we always said YES.  

YOU/ME/US/THEY--These pronouns focus our perspective, and give direction to our efforts.  But, they can also create boundaries between people and communicate our selfishness.

THANKS--This word orients us toward graciousness and courteousness.

PLEASE--A great word that allows us to express our desires without being demanding, or oppressive.

SORRY--A humble word that binds us back together when we're broken.  It's also honest and trustworthy.

MAYBE--Gives us permission to try new things, opens us to creativity, possibility.

WHY?--A one word question that moves us from status quo to new discovery.

BECAUSE--The answer to Why?  It rationalizes things, and gives credibility and defense of our actions.

And, number 11 just for fun...CHOCOLATE--The answer to everything.  :-)

With words we have great power---And in the words of Spiderman's Uncle Ben, "With great power, comes great responsibility", which by the way is a quote that I'd like to think originates in the gospel of Luke chapter 12, verse 48.  

Today we are caught between powerful words used to make promises.  We're in an election year.  Politicians' words are being debated and turned inside and out with questions.  Have you watched the media critique of a presidential speech, or debate?  Turn to FOX news and you'll hear that the Left can do no right.  Turn to CNN, and the Right are never right.  Caught in between it seems necessary to listen to both in order to be responsible with the power we've been given to decipher the words we're hearing from them.

We need to be responsible with our own words as well.  Have you ever had a conversation with someone who seemed by their appearance to be intelligent and well put together until they open their mouth and speak?   Or, just the opposite, have you ever encountered someone who appears downright scary or thuggish, and then the person speaks with such eloquence and command of words that your first impression just dissolves?  These are examples of the necessity for being responsible with our words.

So, how responsible are you with words?

Do you say things you wish you could take back?
Are your words more often:
mean than kind?
selfish than compassionate?
ugly than beautiful?
accusing than forgiving?
Do you make promises that you don't intend to keep?
Do you say things just for their shock value, instead of integrity?
Do you speak ill of everyone behind their back in order to make friends?
Do you arrogantly boast of yourself?

Think about it...there are countless ways in which our words can be misunderstood, or even well intended and still do harm.  It's hard for any of us to deny that we do our share of damage with the words we choose.

Thankfully, we worship a God whose Word is more powerful than ours, more powerful than anything we might say, and far more powerful than anything promised by a politician.
His Word creates all things, and sustains it.
His Word forgives our sins, guides us home when we're lost, and encourages us to try again.
His Word saves us from our own self-destruction.
His Word, as John writes, is the light of the world...a light no darkness can overcome.
His Word promises us that we will be reunited one day with all the faithful who have died before us.
His Word made flesh is Christ; the truth of God's love and faithfulness that frees us and renews us in His image.

His Word is what we are bathed in when we are baptized.  It covers us, protects us, and promises that nothing we do can ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
His Word is what we share, and celebrate here in this place.  It welcomes the stranger, offers generosity to the poor, and strength to the weak.  It gathers us in and makes us one.
His Word is what we receive in the bread and wine, Christ's very body and blood.  With Holy Communion we take God's Word into our bodies...into our souls.

It is His Word that needs to inform our words.  Not the other way around.  It's God's Word informing our words that gives us the power to offer a healing word, a strengthening word, a kind word, a generous word. His Word informing ours brings grace and hope to the others through our words.  Now, that's a truly powerful word.

When choosing our words, may we look first to His Word.  And, may Christ, the Word made flesh, inform all our words before our tongues get in the way.


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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich