Thursday, January 03, 2013

Winter Newsletter

Matthew 2:1-4

Magi---such a unique word…even to the Bible.  Tradition has rendered this word to mean kings.  "We Three Kings of Orient are..."  But, this is probably more to do with the way in which the magi are received by King Herod in the context of the story than by actual word study.  Herod treats these sojourners from the east as if they were kings visiting his kingdom, and they appear to be able to gain access to Herod with an equal kind of status.   However, when we study this unique word, apart from context, we come to a different meaning.  Literally, the word refers to men with a special kind of wisdom; wisdom that is likely gleaned from studying the movement of the stars.  In ancient days magi might have been our modern equivalent of great scientists—wise men. 
Whether Matthew meant for us to read his Gospel account as “wise men” or as “kings” we’ll never know.  But, his message about their mission is very clear.  The quest of these men of status and authority was to kneel before this newborn king and worship him.  Matthew’s message?   If these foreign men, esteemed by both the rulers and the wise, are humble enough to lay aside the comforts of their home, and commit to the risks of travelling a great distance for the sole purpose of worshiping this newborn king, then all who hear Matthew's message should do the same.
Herod’s lip-service toward them only further emphasizes Matthew’s point.  Was King Herod actually going to worship Jesus?  Absolutely not!  King Herod was plotting to kill the Baby who had come to bring peace on earth! His heart had no intent of worshiping the Christ Child, even as his mouth formed the words that lied to them.
Matthew’s message places a fundamental question before us; one that challenges us:  Are we taking God seriously, or just giving Him lip-service?  Are you praying for things to change in the world around you, in your life, but then ignoring God’s call to do your part in bringing about these changes? 
As we look toward the future and the start of a new year, what are your plans?  What does your faith mean to you?  Why is your church important to you?…to your children? the community? the world?  So often I hear members of our church complain about how Christian values are being eroded by our culture, but then list for me their reasons why they are too busy to volunteer or too broke to be more charitable.  I hear the concerns of parents, who tell me that society and the school system are corrupting their kids, but then explain to me that their kids have more important things to do on Sundays than be involved with church.   Will you go about this year giving only lip-service to God’s call, your church, and your faith?  Or, is this the year that you resolve to go deeper in prayer and devotion, step up your involvement; increase your charity?  With your lips will you say that your church, your faith is important to you, your children and the community, but then allow your actions to dictate otherwise? 
The magi Herod had a choice.  Today, that message is the same.  We have a choice.  It may only be a matter of adjusting priorities.  Or, maybe you sense a need for more dramatic change in your life.  You choose whether to worship Him with lip service alone or with the kind of worship that is accompanied by a lifetime of loving actions.
Every year I find it absolutely perfect that the start of a new year comes with the season of Christmas.  Christmas is a time when the motives of our hearts are laid bare before the proof in a manger of God’s willingness to honor His promise and commitment to us.  The birth of Jesus is the birth of a fresh start for all of us.   Oh come! Let us adore Him!

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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich