Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Moses Resume

What qualities would you list on your resume?   If you were an employer, what qualities would most look for?

The resources I found on the topic of Best Qualities to list on a resume say the number 1 quality that is sought by employers is communication skills.
This is followed by:
Honesty or integrity
Interpersonal skills
Problem solving skills

If we were to create a Job description for leadership among God’s followers, Moses would be at the top of the list of candidates who are Biblical role models for leadership.

So, let’s take a look at this Biblical role model then, and try to determine what might be on a job description for a position of leadership among God’s people.

Moses had a remarkable life.
His story began when he was an infant, chosen by divine intervention, and placed in a basket on the river Nile.  So….he is adopted.   This, in and of itself, does not raise a concern, but the level of dysfunction that this causes him later when he has trouble relating to his own people does.  Moses lacks interpersonal skills. 

When an Egyptian abused one of his countrymen, he kills him.
Hmmm….that would strike teamwork, problem solving and flexibility from the list.

Then, Moses buries the body in the sand, and flees to Midian as a fugitive.
So…I guess honesty and integrity are off the list.

Years later Moses wanders to the "mountain of God," Horeb, or Sinai while shepherding sheep.  He comes upon a bush that won't burn. It's so extraordinary that Moses stops to investigate.
Hmmm…Ok, so he is either just curious…or, he has A.D.D., and has just left his sheep because his attention was distracted by something shiny.

He hears the voice of Almighty God coming from the bush. Moses knows it is God, because he "hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God”.   
Ahhh….there’s a quality that God can work with…Faith!  Unfortunately, faith in God is nowhere on our list of the best qualities to put on a resume.  It seems employers aren't looking for people of faith. 

Now, when God gives Moses his assignment, Moses starts to argue: "Why me?  Why should I go to Pharaoh?"  Essentially, he is claiming God is wrong.  God answers. But Moses won't stop: “What name will I say has sent me?  What will I say?”  

Ok, first off, we have to say that the number one thing listed as a quality sought by today’s employers must be stricken from our list…Communication skills.  Moses doesn’t only ask what will I say, but he admits that he has trouble speaking.

Second, God has to go to great length to motivate Moses to get moving.  So, we can scratch self-motivation from our list.

But, it’s kind of hard not to read between the lines here and realize that Moses is giving God a hard time.  So last, but not least, when I read this and I try to put myself in Moses’ shoes…well, bare feet, I’m thinking, “Dude!  This is God!  Just shut your mouth and do what God says!  How can you even think about arguing with God!?” But he does.  So, it is safe to say that what Moses has is chutzpah…audacity.  He is brazen!
But, nowhere in our list of sought after qualities is chutzpah.  Yet, it seems that is precisely a quality that God sees in Moses

So, if Moses is our role model for good leadership, let’s recap our list of qualities on his resume.
Qualities Moses lacked:
Communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Honesty, Integrity
Problem Solving

Qualities Moses has:

That’s it! 
Those are the qualities that Moses brings to bear when God calls him to accomplish what is arguably the greatest leadership challenge in history.

So, what do we see in one another as we consider what we bring to bear for what God puts in front of us?  Do we look at the challenges ahead of us and assume that we are not qualified, not capable?

What do our conversations with God sound like?  Do we even have conversations with God?
And, if so, do we have the chutzpah to really push God for answers, the way Moses did?

Our church needs leaders.  Has God been whispering in your ear, or speaking to you in a kind of burning bush, telling you that you are needed in the service of God in your church?  Are you stepping up, or avoiding doing so because you think you’re unqualified?

If we were the employer of such an enormous challenge of leading people out of Egypt, would we have hired Moses…fugitive, dysfunctional, attention deficit, argumentative, inflexible Moses? 
God saw more in Moses than he saw in himself.  
And, God sees more in you than you can see in yourself.

Don’t measure yourself by the world’s standards.
Trust that God has already measured you by His…and has called YOU!


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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich