Thursday, July 05, 2012

Manna:  July 5th 2012

The saying is true; no man is an island.  We all need help from others.

Read Numbers, chapter 11.

Moses needs help.  He can't do it all by himself.  He goes to God and expresses his frustrations, and God provides helpers..friends, companions.  Even Moses was not an island.

In my experiences as a pastor, accepting that we all need help doesn't seem to be a problem for most folks. Generally, I think we all can admit that none of us are an island.  Our life, and our success, is always supported by others.  What does pose a problem, however, is acknowledging that the friends we've made along the way of life may not, actually, be very helpful to us.  Often times, if we're honest with ourselves, we are likely to find that there are many people we've surrounded ourselves with who are not helpful at all; who actually bring out the worst in us.

From Numbers, in response to Moses' plea, God led him to select and appoint helpers to whom God could impart the same divine inspiration that was on Moses' life.  God led Moses to friends who would be an encouragement, a strength, an asset in the journey of life in which God had set Moses.  As a result, Moses became surrounded by people who were supportive and indeed very helpful.  

I think it's good from time to time to ask ourselves the critical question, "Am I surrounding myself with people who are helping me go where God is leading?  Or, am I surrounding myself with people who are hindering me from going where God is leading?  There are people in our circle of friends who bring out the best in us, and there are people who bring out the worst in us.  We are not an island.  We are influenced by the circle of people around us.  If we choose to spend a lot of time with people who bring out the worst in us, well, I'm sure there are lots of fond memories made.  But, the growth of our faith and spirit, as well as our emotions, are likely to remain stuck, unchallenged and immature.   On the other hand, those who bring out the best in us, challenge us forward with encouragement, honesty, grace and love.  

You might consider taking an inventory of your circle of friends.  Ask yourself, who are the people bringing out the best in you, and who are the people bringing out the worst.  Keep in mind, the list of those who bring out the worst in you are still your friends.  Don't de-friend anyone.  You never know what influence you have on them.  You might be the person who brings out the best in them.  Still, it's good to get a sense of how different people influence you differently.  You may recognize that there are a few people you really count on for the goodness they bring out of you, and you might find an appropriate way to thank them for this.  On the other hand, you might recognize that there are certain people who really bring out of you something that you don't like in yourself.  This is an opportunity to consider making some healthy boundaries for yourself when with this person.  The lessons learned from an exercise like this can be far reaching.  

At the top of your list, remember that you have one friend who has devoted himself eternally to you.  His name is Jesus.  No matter how many friends let you down, or lead you the wrong direction, Jesus will always be there to forgive you and help you forgive yourself.  He will always be there to cheer you on when you turn away from doing the things that are harmful.  He will always be there to hear your pleas, and to comfort your tears.  He will always be there to strengthen you for the stand you must make.  What a friend we have in Jesus...

Prayer:  Lord Jesus, what a friend I have in you.  Strengthen me to be the kind of friend that you are to me.  Help me to understand the way in which the people in my circle of influence may or may not be helpful.  Encourage me to be someone who brings out the best in others.  Amen.  

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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich