Monday, July 02, 2012

Manna: July 2, 2012

Life is Like a Cup of Coffee.

2 Corinthians 8:7-15
"The one who had much did not have too much and the one who had little did not have too little." 

A simple Godly life...we crave it...but, it always seems to allude us, doesn't it?  Maybe we crave a simpler life because we don't have it, and we can't seem to get it.   We assume that a more simple life is the answer to the complicated, stressful, over-indulgent one that we're living.  So, we are discontent with our lives.  

When you think about it...discontentment is the very sin that spoils the simple Godly life.  I have a hunch that even if our lives were more simple, we would still be discontent. It wouldn't be simple enough, I suppose.  

This is why I like the story in the video "Life is like a cup of coffee".   It's an illustration that shifts our soul's focus away from desires that lead to discontentment, and toward the gifts of life that are from God. 

In the 2 Corinthians text Paul is taking a collection for the church in Jerusalem.   In an effort to encourage the Christians in Corinth to give generously toward this one of the literary tools he uses is to refer to a kind of Jewish way of life; the "manna" way of life.  You remember manna?  It was that bread-like substance that God provided so the Israelites would have food during their trek to Canaan after their exodus from Egypt.  Manna was much more than just a special bread from heaven though.  It was a way of life.  No one was to take more than they needed, and by doing so everyone had what they needed to survive the journey.  The one who had much did not have too much and the one who had little did not have too little.  This was the manna way of life...It was a simple life.  By living this way God taught his chosen people to fashion a lifestyle that was different from other ways of life.   This manna way of life was the simple life, not because they had fewer things or because they didn't compete with others, but because they learned to trust that God would provide what they needed.  And, as the Israelites learned to live the manna way, they also learned to be at peace with God's providence when tempted to want what they didn't have.

Today, consider asking yourself, "What do I truly need to be content?"
You might make for yourself a list...
Then, consider all that you've been given that goes beyond the necessities of contentment.
I think you'll see that your life is pretty blessed.
The simple life isn't necessarily free from stress, or burden.  It is one that trusts God for the things we need, and is at peace with God for the things we do not have.

Prayer:  Lord, grant me the peace to accept that you have provided for me far more than I need, and the grace to savor life with contentment, that I may use the blessings you have given to be a blessing for others.  In Jesus' name.  Amen

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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich