Tuesday, July 03, 2012

MANNA for July 4th, 2012

I have a T-Shirt that, to me, communicates what the 4th of July means.  It is a black shirt, with a small red cross on the front just beneath the collar.  The caption beneath the cross reads, "This Shirt Is Illegal In 53 Countries".

When I consider the number of people who are listed on church rolls across the country against the number of those who are actually in attendance on any given Sunday, it seems the evidence is clear that we take for granted the cost that has afforded us the freedom to worship as we do.  Just at my church alone, there are more than 300 on the active membership rolls, but worship attendance is usually about a third of that.   It would be good for us to consider the people in 53 countries who are forbidden to worship in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, where still today they are risking their lives in some places and their livelihood in others just to gather together around the Word and sacrament that we have the freedom to enjoy every Sunday.

St. Paul writes to the Galatians, "For freedom Christ has set us free." Think about that.  Christ has set us free from sin, death, and the burden of all the weight of worry surrounding them.  This is our gospel message.  It is one of joy in the promise of eternal life that begins now, even as we are brought to life in faith today.  Christ paid the cost of his cross for our freedom.  But, St. Paul says that this freedom from sin that we have was given to us for a reason, a very special purpose.  It was given to us for freedom.    It is our call to live as people who have been set free, so that others would know what freedom looks like and so that we might be bold enough to pay the cost of freedom for others if necessary.

The most powerful statement we make about freedom as Christians is to worship.  I know that sounds a bit too benign, but not when you think about it.   When evil threatens us, we find ourselves threatened by the bondage of pain, suffering, trouble, despair etc.  Evil wants to bind us, make us slaves to agony and, vengeance.  When we gather together to worship, we commune with the One who evil must bow to.  When we worship together we exercise our freedom to deny evil its victory even in the face of our own pain and anger.  Furthermore, we exercise the freedom that Christ earned us to approach God's altar and be in His almighty presence face to face.  Even Moses wasn't permitted to do this!!  But, this is what we are free to do each and every Sunday.

The fourth of July is an occasion to thank all of the veterans, who willingly lay down their lives so that we would be able to live in a place where freedom indeed rings out.  But, it is also an occasion to thank God for the gift of grace in Jesus, which opens the way for us to come near to Him, near enough that Jesus encourages us to call Him "Father".

God doesn't require your church attendance record be perfect.
But, since it is such a gift that we are given this opportunity to worship freely.
Are we not compelled to take advantage of such a gift as often as we are capable?

Happy 4th of July.

Prayer:  God bless America, but not only America.  Let your arms reach out to all the places where your children suffer torment or persecution just for gathering in your name.  Amen.

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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich