Monday, February 24, 2014

Acts 1:24

In my observation of the human condition we are masters at making excuses for ourselves.  Instead of taking responsibility for our own lives, we come up with all sorts of reasons why we are unable to do so.   From "the dog ate my homework" to "the traffic", "the weather", "bad luck", "the other person" the list goes on and on.  Instead of taking responsibility, we make excuses.  The sad truth is that often we even convince ourselves that these little lies are true.  We actually believe that there are all of these factors working against us, holding us back, prohibiting us from achieving success in life.  Instead of taking responsibility for our own lives, our own choices, we act like victims of forces out of our control.   Here are a few common excuses:

"I don't have time."
We all have the same amount of time each day, week, year.  The difference between those who take responsibility and those who don't is a matter of prioritizing and scheduling.

"I don't have money."
If you were to actually record every penny spent every day for one month, you would begin to recognize how much money gets wasted on things that are of little consequence.  Even just that $4 coffee here and there can add up to $20-$30/month.  In just one month, I am willing to guarantee, you would be able to look at your money differently if you would take full responsibility for where it goes.  A savings of just $20-$30 every month can be the difference between feeling trapped by your own excuse and realizing the freedom of being responsible.

"I have bad luck"
Let me break the news to you--there is no such thing as bad luck.  Personally, I don't believe in luck.  But, if you do, then there is only one kind of luck--good luck, and we all have it.  If you live in the U.S. you are lucky.  If you have a warm place to live, plenty of food, clothing then you are lucky.  If you have family or friends to rely on for support then you are lucky.  If you are reading this message on a computer hooked into the internet, you are lucky.  Count your blessings.  If you are truly going to put your faith in a completely random force within the universe then take an honest assessment, you are very lucky.  The difference between those who take responsibility and those who don't is that those who do make better choices with the "luck" they've received.

Those are common excuses, and the list goes on and on.

But, here's the truth we all need to hear: God isn't buying it!
God doesn't believe your excuses.  God knows the hearts of all of us.
And, has called you through the waters of your Baptism, and given you gifts of the Holy Spirit, to take responsibility for your life.  He has given you his Son, Jesus, as the model for the godly life.  "Follow him!", is the command that echos from the gospels.  God has given you life, and a multitude of blessings.  He knows what is in your heart.  He knows that right alongside the excuses you make, is also the desire to succeed.  So, every day, every moment, God's forgiveness offers you the freedom to begin again.  God's promise is life in its fullest, the abundance of life!  God has already chosen you, now it's your turn to make the choices you need to take back responsibility of the life that God has given you.

The difference between excuses and responsibility is the difference between success and failure, bondage and freedom, heaven and hell.  By making even one small choice to do just one little thing differently every day you could make a dramatic improvement in your life.  Taking more responsibility in areas where you used to make excuses is life-changing---even if you just start small.

Is today the day you begin again?  Is today the day you get honest with yourself and realize the excuses that are holding you back?
I hope so.

Heavenly Father, you know what's in my heart.  You know the excuses I make.  Forgive me.  Help me to take full responsibility for the life you have given me.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

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Pastor Rich

Pastor Rich